Academic Asia is the largest company in the world specialising exclusively in helping Asian students to find places in British schools and colleges.
Academic Asia represents every boarding school and college in Britain. We are the only company in the world able to say this.
Every year Academic Asia places over 700 new students in full-time education in Britain.
Academic Asia is formed from a group of companies based in Britain, Hong Kong, Macau and China (see Our Offices for details).
Academic Asia offers:
information on British education
information on British schools
detailed help and advice of the choice of schools
up-to-the-minute information on the availability of places at schools
help with applications and paper-work
help with registration fee payments
help following-up and supporting applications
help with visits to schools
help confirming places
help with visas
help with guardianship
help with travel
help with every aspect of finding suitable places from beginning to end |
Academic Asia also:
arranges education exhibitions in Asia
arranges tours and visits for British schools
arranges language courses and summer camps
advises schools on Asian sales and marketing
enjoys personal contacts in hundreds of schools and colleges throughout Britain
has over 25 years experience in British education
Academic Asia has a large and unique network of contacts throughout British education. We work only at senior level (Headmasters, Headmistresses, Registrars and Admissions Officers).
Academic Asia is the only educational agency in the world that:
works with every school and college in Britain
has offices in Britain and across Asia
has personal contacts in hundreds of schools
places over seven hundred students every year
specialises exclusively in British boarding schools for Asian students
Academic Asia:
knows about British education
is known and respected throughout British education
knows and understands Asian students