




美国教育部长斯佩林斯(Margaret Spellings)上周五指出,她希望备忘录的签署,能向中国学生传达出“美国欢迎你们”的讯息,而且美国当局正在认真研究令签证的审批变得更简便和快捷。斯佩林斯表示,人力资本的发展,是中美两国繁荣进步的共同关键。而在促进两国学术交流方面,双方仍然有很大的改进空间。


根据由美国教育部协助国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)进行的研究,在上一个学年,中国留学生占全美国际留学生人数的11%,仅次于有约76500名学生留美的印度,成为美国吸纳国际留学生的第二大来源地。

美国休斯顿莱斯大学(Rice Univeristy)校长大卫·利布伦(David Leebron)认为,外国学生留学美国的限制现正在逐渐放宽中,他引述上述的研究报告指出,2006年新入学的留学生人数,比2005年增加了8%。利布伦表示,“最大的问题是签证的审批太严格,我曾对此感到不满,但这个情况现在已有所改善。”


Secretary Spellings at Beijing Normal University

Secretary of Education Spellings at Beijing Normal University on November 16, 2006
Secretary of Education Spellings at Beijing Normal University on November 16, 2006

More than a century ago, this school was founded as China’s first university dedicated to teacher training…a mission that’s still going strong today.  Few jobs are more rewarding or more important than being a teacher.  In every country and every society, teachers inspire hope, build confidence, and prepare tomorrow’s innovators.   

Beijing Normal University is a true leader in fostering exchange programs.  You have more than 20 exchange programs with our universities.  At your centennial celebration several years ago, you rededicated yourself to being a world-class institution of higher education.  And earlier this year, President Hu Jintao, in announcing his innovation initiative, designated you for particular focus and investment in science.  Today, those commitments are paying off.  It’s helped bring thousands of American students to study here.  A statistic we hope to grow in the coming years.   

I’ve traveled here this week – which just happens to be International Education Week – with a leading group of university presidents from the United States.  It’s been a unique international exchange experience of its own.  This is the first time my government has put together such a delegation.  And I’m convinced it won’t be the last!   They represent the very best that U.S. higher education has to offer.




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