



学校上课模式活泼,方式则包括课堂、课外实习及探访,每个学生均有个别辅导老师,帮助学生的学业及定期检查学习状况。进入高中需要通过考试,通常是在每年的2月和11月分两次举行。 该校的高年级相对于其它的学校来规模稍小一点,但这有利于工作人员和老师能够与学生进行一对一的交流,比较了解学生,因材施教。因此,这里的高中能够提供更加和谐友好的气氛。本校的高年级同样允许学生在个人素质和性格方面有所发展,包括独立性,责任感和自信心,这些品质都将为学生进入大学打好基础。同样,老师们也会在学生需要帮助时全力以赴,会把他们当做年轻人来看待,给予他们比低年级的学生更多的自由。尽管高年级的学生仍然要遵守基本的规章制度,但同时他们会被给予更多的选择。 学校十分看重高年级学生对学校正常运行所作的贡献和为低年级学生树立良好的榜样。除了完成每天布置的学习任务之外,高年级学生还可以在各种学校社团中一展自己风采。本校长期以来一直享有对高年级学生就业和升入大学进行细心的指导和提出良好建议的盛誉。


本校每年约有90%的学生可进入大学就读。 近年来学校的很多领域都投入了大量的资金,尤其是在科学、计算机以及音乐领域。这些科目和数学都取得了很好的成绩。






学校网址 www.theroyalschool.co.uk

The Royal Wolverhampton School
The prefix ‘Royal’ was granted by Queen Victoria in 1900 and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, is the School’s patron. At least 95% of pupils continue their education at university. The School has particularly high pass rates, both at GCSE and A-level, in Science and Mathematics. The Music Department, equipped with the latest technology, gives pupils an opportunity to play over 20 different instruments. The School basketball team has achieved major successes.
Location and Facilities
Located in the Heart of England, the Royal Wolverhampton School provides easy access to Birmingham, Manchester and London Heathrow airports, as well as to famous cities, including Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford. London is two hours away by train.
The historic School buildings are continually updated and include: a 25-metre indoor heated swimming pool; three information technology suites; an art, craft and design centre (opened in 1990); a library (opened in 1995); boarding houses (the latest opened in 1997) and five science laboratories (refurbished in summer 1998). Our fully-equipped Sanatorium provides 24-hour healthcare.
The School caters for boys and girls from the age of 2.5 years up to university entrance. Boarders can be accommodated from the age of eight.
Accommodation and Welfare
The School’s dining room caters for the tastes of international students and special dietary requirements for health accommodated.
The International Office looks after the well-being of foreign students and is always willing to help if students experience problems. The work of the International Office includes: arranging airport transfers and flights, guardianship and banking facilities. Students are not obliged to return their home countries during the school holidays as we organise trips or courses if required.
Entry Requirement
The entry requirement times are September and January, but other times of the year will be considered if space available.
Entry is based on academic qualifications and school reports.
Examinations like GCSE, A/AS-level should be offered.
Boarding fees include full board accommodation, English language lessons, airport transfers, text books, stationery, insurance cover and laundry.
Fees per term are £3,175--£3,875 (Full-boarding)
Contact and Website
Contact name:                                  Telephone number:
Miss S J Sandres,                                 +44 1902 341 230
Development Director                     
                                               Fax number:
Address:                                        +44 1902 344 496
The Royal Wolverhampton School                           
Penn Road Wolverhampton,                         Email:                     
West Midlands WV3 0EG, UK                       admin@rws.binternet.com




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