
1.形象:女生尽量淑女一些,传统,保守,不要大胆,前卫或太美丽,这样无论遇到男签证官还是女签证官,都是最保险的形象;男生应该表现的精干点,don’t need the formal suit,但太随便的也不好,看见的一个比较得体就是,短袖蓝衬衫扎在西裤里.by the way, what i called image includes the clothes,hair,tongue, speed and volume of voice.That’s an overall image,感觉.

2.注意:当你已经排在某个签证官前时,就应保持兴奋的状态, 不按顺序叫,听到你的名字后,你走向前,***一定要注意***, 不要趴在台上,有些人一紧张就疏忽了,那样非常不好.



5.信念:"I deserve a visa”, we have make the visa process as a ledgend, but in fact, it’s very normal. I still remember when I passed, there is only one idea in my mind" It’s too good to be true". Try to think about it with 平常心.

6.签证官: 我非常同意某位同志的看法:对签证报宿命的观点, 对签证官的性格不关心也不想了解. 当你interview时,让你的亲人朋友从心底深深的祝福你.

(二)My case i met the korean man, he interviewed 3 students before me, the first he interviewed totally in Chinese and passed, the second the third declined, don’t know are the two guys full financial aid.Then me, he was not very happy and friendly from his look.

Me:( smile to him)Good afternoon, Sir, Nice to meet you!

HE: (don’t smile, don’t say hello back)give me your card

Me:(smile sweetly)OK. here you are, Do you need my GRE& TOEFL scores and other documents?

HE:yesI gave him my GRE,TOEFL,offer letter from graduate school, financial aid letter from the department, transcript together in the above order,(by the way, my transcript is in a sealed envelop and is just for 3 years as a senior)

HE:what’s your major?

ME: ****, and I will study in Univ. of ***.

HE:(looked down) is that a Ph.D. Program?


He:your master degree?

Me:i am an undergraduate student, so I havn’t(he seems don’t believe, so i added right away) I am still a senior student...(I want to say my UNIV)

He:which university?

Me: ****.

He:your transcipt?

ME:I’ve given you, in that envelop.(pointed to)

He:(uncovered the envelop, looked at my transcipt but actually, he don’t really looked, then he asked very casually)what’s your plan?

Me:(when he asked,I can feel i’ve passed)I will try my best to get my doctor degree in four years and after my graduation I will come back to Beijing to be with my parents and find a job.

HE:(try to give me the white paper for visa)what kind of job?

Me:in some sector of the government.

He:(forward the white paper to me )good luck


1.形象:女生尽量淑女一些,传统,保守,不要大胆,前卫或太美丽,这样无论遇到男签证官还是女签证官,都是最保险的形象;男生应该表现的精干点,don’t need the formal suit,但太随便的也不好,看见的一个比较得体就是,短袖蓝衬衫扎在西裤里.by the way, what i called image includes the clothes,hair,tongue, speed and volume of voice.That’s an overall image,感觉.

2.注意:当你已经排在某个签证官前时,就应保持兴奋的状态, 不按顺序叫,听到你的名字后,你走向前,***一定要注意***, 不要趴在台上,有些人一紧张就疏忽了,那样非常不好.



5.信念:"I deserve a visa”, we have make the visa process as a ledgend, but in fact, it’s very normal. I still remember when I passed, there is only one idea in my mind" It’s too good to be true". Try to think about it with 平常心.

6.签证官: 我非常同意某位同志的看法:对签证报宿命的观点, 对签证官的性格不关心也不想了解. 当你interview时,让你的亲人朋友从心底深深的祝福你.

(二)My case i met the korean man, he interviewed 3 students before me, the first he interviewed totally in Chinese and passed, the second the third declined, don’t know are the two guys full financial aid.Then me, he was not very happy and friendly from his look.

Me:( smile to him)Good afternoon, Sir, Nice to meet you!

HE: (don’t smile, don’t say hello back)give me your card

Me:(smile sweetly)OK. here you are, Do you need my GRE& TOEFL scores and other documents?

HE:yesI gave him my GRE,TOEFL,offer letter from graduate school, financial aid letter from the department, transcript together in the above order,(by the way, my transcript is in a sealed envelop and is just for 3 years as a senior)

HE:what’s your major?

ME: ****, and I will study in Univ. of ***.

HE:(looked down) is that a Ph.D. Program?


He:your master degree?

Me:i am an undergraduate student, so I havn’t(he seems don’t believe, so i added right away) I am still a senior student...(I want to say my UNIV)

He:which university?

Me: ****.

He:your transcipt?

ME:I’ve given you, in that envelop.(pointed to)

He:(uncovered the envelop, looked at my transcipt but actually, he don’t really looked, then he asked very casually)what’s your plan?

Me:(when he asked,I can feel i’ve passed)I will try my best to get my doctor degree in four years and after my graduation I will come back to Beijing to be with my parents and find a job.

HE:(try to give me the white paper for visa)what kind of job?

Me:in some sector of the government.

He:(forward the white paper to me )good luck




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