
Glenfield College 提供了广泛的学术和社交课程,同时也提供个人增进为主要目标的科目.而且学生也有相当多的机会参加课外丰富的活动.

Glenfield College 的目标是通过高质量的教学,有效的学习交流为本校所有的学生提供最好的教育.


- 我们抓紧学习,因为成功是我们的首要目标.

- 我们提供的体育活动是首屈一指的.

- 出色的戏剧艺术和音乐教学是本校的一个重要的特色.

- 严肃的学习纪律使你的学习不会受影响.

- 本校没有吸毒,没有暴力的学校,我们的政策一向很严厉.

- Vertical Tutor Groups 向所有年级的学生提供监护.我们会有辅导老师指导你的孩子

- 我们鼓励革新的,具有前卫思想的教程.

- 本校的设备等级是达到标准的.

- 门户开放的政策使你的忧虑得到解决.

- 本校是全纽西兰前20%的学校.



Glenfield College offers a comprehensive range of academic and social courses as well as subjects whose main objective is personal enhancement. There are also many opportunities for participation in a host of other activities.

Glenfield College aims to provide the best possible education to all its students through high quality teaching, effective learning activities.

There are ten reasons to choose in our school for your child's future :

- Academic success is a top priority. At Glenfield we make a difference.

- Opportunities in sport are second-to-none.

- The pursuit of dramatic and musical excellence is a central feature of the college.

- Effective discipline means you can be confident that learning opportunities are not disrupted.

- Glenfield College is a no-drugs, no-violence school. Our policies are rigorously consistent.

- Vertical Tutor Groups provide opportunities for guidance to and from students at all age groups. A Tutor Teacher follows your child through the College.

- Innovative, forward-thinking programmes are encouraged.

- Glenfield's equipement levels set the standard for students.

- An open door policy guarantees your concerns will be listened to with courtesy.

- Glenfield College Frequently being ranked in the top 20% of New Zealand schools.

One of the highlights of the college is International Day when menbers of various cultures perform items of song , dance and so on.

Glenfield College has limited places are available for international fee-paying students.




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