

    美国留学 敏感专业详细列表

    The State Department maintains a Technical Alert List, also known as the sensitive major list, to guide their evaluation of visa submission.

    Sorted by rate.


    A. CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS: Technologies associated with:

    —— Warheads and other large caliber projectiles

    —— Reactive armor and warhead defeat systems

    —— Fusing and arming systems.

    —— Electronic countermeasures and systems

    —— New or novel explosives and formulations

    —— Automated explosive detection methods and equipment

    B. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY: Technologies associated with

    production and use of nuclear material for both peaceful and military applications. Included are technologies for:

    —— Enrichment of fissile material

    —— Reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel to recover produced


    —— Production of heavy water for moderator material

    —— Plutonium and tritium handling

    Also, certain associated technologies related to nuclear physics and/or nuclear engineering. Includes materials,equipment or technology associated with:

    —— Power reactors, breeder and production reactors

    —— Fissile or special nuclear materials

    —— Uranium enrichment, including gaseous diffusion,centrifuge, aerodynamic, chemical, Electromagnetic Isotopic Separation (EMIS), Laser Isotope Separation


    —— Spent fuel reprocessing, plutonium, mixed oxide nuclear research

    Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)

    —— Magnetic confinement fusion

    —— Laser fusion, high power lasers, plasma,

    —— Nuclear fuel fabrication including Mixed Oxide (uranium-

    plutonium) fuels (MOX)

    —— Heavy water production

    —— Tritium production and use

    —— Hardening technology




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