

排名 综合排名 学校 学生满意度 科研水平 录取成绩 毕业率 总得分
1 - The Courtauld Institute of Art 92.1 53.3 476 71.0 100.0
2 14 University of East Anglia 90.0 56.7 421 69.5 97.0
3 1= University of Oxford 82.4 46.7 553 68.8 95.3
4 16 University of York 88.5 53.3 421 67.8 95.1
5 3 University of St Andrews 89.8 35.0 483 69.2 94.5
6 1= University of Cambridge 88.2 26.7 555 65.2 93.6
7 26 University of Glasgow 86.7 58.3 467 52.6 93.5
8 15 University of Birmingham 83.9 43.3 409 81.7 92.8
9 9 University College London 78.7 46.7 502 73.5 92.3
10 25 University of Sussex 86.2 53.3 406 60.9 91.6
11 30 University of Kent 87.0 46.7 332 77.2 91.4
12 28 University of Manchester 85.2 53.3 408 57.3 90.3
13 31 Soas 82.3 36.7 431 69.8 88.6
14 8 University of Warwick 85.2 33.3 447 61.6 88.3
15 17 University of Leeds 87.6 31.7 411 59.7 87.5
16 32 University of Essex 86.9 41.7   44.8 86.1
17 22= University of Edinburgh 76.2 30.0 486 70.8 85.9
18 33 University of Reading 86.9 30.0 338 65.0 85.1
19 22= University of Nottingham 81.5 38.3 393 56.2 83.9
20 20 University of Leicester 85.8 20.0 396 55.3 82.4
21 19 University of Bristol 73.7 25.0 458 63.6 80.6
22 55 Goldsmiths, University of London 78.9 30.0 408 53.4 80.5
23= 49 Oxford Brookes University 88.1 28.3 333 42.9 80.3
23= 44 University of Aberdeen 83.7 31.7   44.2 80.3
25 82 University of Brighton 78.3 45.0 294 43.8 77.0
26 80 Plymouth University 81.6 21.7 269 60.7 76.6
27 89 Manchester Metropolitan University 84.2 21.7 359 28.0 74.2
28 93 Aberystwyth University 74.5 11.7   42.4 66.7





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