

排名 综合排名 学校 学生满意度 科研水平 录取成绩 毕业率 总得分
1 1= University of Oxford 95.4 47.6 607 89.1 100.0
2 1= University of Cambridge 79.2 51.9 650 94.3 98.6
3 4 Imperial College London 83.4 40.5 584 99.1 91.4
4 9 University College London 79.6 42.7 587 99.8 90.9
5 37 Queen Mary, University of London 87.9 37.1 548 99.4 89.2
6 44 University of Aberdeen 88.4 36.2 547 100.0 89.0
7 22= University of Edinburgh 73.3 44.3 577 99.5 88.2
8 3 University of St Andrews 90.4 23.3 554 98.2 86.6
9 22= Newcastle University 87.6 27.9 535 100.0 85.4
10= 17 University of Leeds 87.1 27.5 530 100.0 84.7
10= 45 University of Dundee 87.2 24.1 542 98.8 84.7
12 26 University of Glasgow 79.4 28.1 560 100.0 84.4
13 15 University of Birmingham 79.5 29.3 554 99.9 84.2
14= 80 Plymouth University 91.7 22.8 515 99.7 83.8
14= 28 University of Manchester 81.7 33.4 524 99.6 83.8
14= 40 Keele University 94.0 14.8 534 100.0 83.8
14= 7 University of Exeter 91.7 22.8 515 99.7 83.8
18 - Hull-York Medical School 81.7 32.3 510 99.0 82.4
19= 18 University of Southampton 85.2 28.9 500 100.0 81.9
19= 19 University of Bristol 81.7 29.2 515 100.0 81.9
21 27 Cardiff University 82.5 22.7 531 99.8 81.5
22 14 University of East Anglia 83.2 18.3 542 98.6 81.4
23 - Brighton & Sussex Medical School 93.2 15.0 492 99.6 80.2
24 38 Queen's University, Belfast 81.3 21.6 516 99.2 79.5
25 21 University of Sheffield 75.9 23.2 526 100.0 78.8
26 20 University of Leicester 75.3 20.1 528 99.8 77.8
27 8 University of Warwick 75.9 21.9   100.0 77.4
28 22= University of Nottingham 74.6 15.2 542 99.5 77.3
29 - St George's, University of London 74.8 18.7 512 100.0 75.9
30 29 King's College London 63.2 29.6 526 99.4 75.8
31 36 University of Liverpool 69.4 26.7 487 99.8 74.1





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