

排名 综合排名 学校 学生满意度 科研水平 录取成绩 毕业率 总得分
1 1= University of Cambridge 84.3 45.0 569 86.9 100.0
2 27 Cardiff University 91.6 41.7 377 86.8 95.1
3 22= Newcastle University 86.6 38.3 362 89.5 91.8
4 33 University of Reading 82.2 36.7 395   88.5
5 21 University of Sheffield 81.7 42.2 362 78.7 87.5
6= 41 Heriot-Watt University 83.4 30.0   83.3 87.3
6= 44 University of Aberdeen   33.3   78.2 87.3
8 83 University of Gloucestershire 85.8 16.7   90.0 86.8
9 9 University College London 79.0 33.3 455 73.1 86.2
10 13 Loughborough University 84.2 41.7 364 67.6 85.9
11 89 Manchester Metropolitan University 87.8 15.0   84.6 85.7
12 66 Northumbria University 87.5 20.0 334 82.8 84.8
13 49 Oxford Brookes University 83.0 16.7 362 84.9 83.4
14 36 University of Liverpool 85.1 23.3   74.2 83.1
15 28 University of Manchester 81.0 33.3 371 69.1 82.8
16 38 Queen's University, Belfast 87.8 16.7 337 76.5 82.7
17 15 University of Birmingham 77.5 23.3 396 80.0 82.3
18 68 University of the West of England 82.4 19.5 327 80.5 81.2
19 45 University of Dundee 82.4 16.7   76.2 79.7
20 124= Royal Agricultural University 80.2 5.0 336 90.5 79.4
21 22= University of Edinburgh 66.6 40.0 396   78.9
22 52 Nottingham Trent University 80.7 10.0 289 83.2 77.1
23 91= Birmingham City University 83.8 15.0 303 68.4 76.8
24 84 Glasgow Caledonian University 73.9 30.0 368 60.0 75.9
25 111 Leeds Metropolitan University 86.9   280 65.5 72.9
26 112 University of Westminster 85.4 11.7 255 56.7 71.8
27 62 Sheffield Hallam University 71.6 30.0 247 49.0 67.0
28 69 University of Ulster 73.2   270 56.6 63.2





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